Tairanga Ora is dedicated to promoting good health and well-being underpinned by Te Oranganui Whānau Ora approach, across the rohe of Whanganui, Nga Rauru Kiitahi and Ngā Wairiki Ngāti Apa, we also aim to work alongside and support neighbouring rohe.
The focus of this service line is to;
Provide further opportunities to increase access to health and social services for whānau.
Increase community health education.
Support the uptake of immunisations across the lifespan.
Support whānau with care plans.
Support whānau to navigate social and health support services
Te Waka Tairanga Ora
Te Waka Tairanga Ora is our mobile hauora service travelling throughout the rohe bringing health and wellbeing directly to you.
This will include:
Hauora checks
Family Planning
General health advice
Home health support